bandvig | : I have resolved problem with compilation glip ( under CygWin by editing small amount os source code. | 07:13 |
bandvig | However, CygWin’s libtool still reports error. | 07:14 |
bandvig | wallento: I'm trying to build OpTiMSoC under CygWin now. I successfully compiled and installed multi-core tool chain and Verilator. | 10:14 |
bandvig | I also had to install a lot of additional CygWin-packages to be able to pass building python packages collected during OpTiMSoC building. | 10:14 |
bandvig | I also had to install even more CygWin packages to be able to pass building OpTiMSoC documentation. | 10:15 |
bandvig | It looks like I couldn't build glip under CygWin as glip is "developed under and for Linux". | 10:15 |
bandvig | It requires Linux headers (and I believe Linux's specific API) which not supported in CygWin. | 10:15 |
rohitksingh | wbx: Thanks for the reply. It is the latest upstream repo: Let me try with openrisc downstream repo and I'll report the results | 04:06 |
wbx | psychotrope: buildroot has a bigger community, but only allows Linux as a host system. OpenADK can be used on Linux/*BSD, MacOS X and windows/cygwin. | 03:47 |
olofk | There is however a specific test I'm interested in trying out on Windows. I would like to see if it's possible to install fusesoc (+ git) from a branch called git-apply natively in Windows (not in cygwin) and then run fusesoc fetch i2c | 02:47 |
bandvig | But any case I haven't got git-fot-windows, only under Cygwin. | 02:55 |
bandvig | olofk_: hello. I cloned your fusesoc repository and tried it on my (Win-7 + Cygwin64) PC. I tried to execute "pip install -e ." as you describe in quick guide. | 07:04 |
bandvig | tried to find package with such command in cygwin package base, but I failed. By request "pip" a lot of packages with various *pipe* appear in search results :( | 07:05 |
simoncook | My understanding (though this could just be wrong), is that msys2 is the environment and has its own libraries for most things, possibly somewhat closer to cygwin but not that far, whereas mingw* is the toolchain you should use for building things to run natively outside of the mingw environment, so it links against more Windows libraries, etc. | 04:24 |
bandvig | olofk: I successfully build NewLIB and uClinux toolchains under CygWin-64 with help of “old” guiding from OpenCores pages. | 02:57 |
bandvig | I'm cloning git:// as recomended | 12:34 |
bandvig | olofk: perhaps, I would prefer to by Xilinx's "Platform Cable USB" and connect directly to FPGA (by instance of appropriate BSCAN). The only thing I worry if "Platform Cable USB" could be accessible from CygWin. | 13:43 |
bandvig | olofk: I used FuseSoC of very old version (at least 1.5 year ago) under CygWin64. Actually, I just generated tcl for Atlys with FuseSoC. Since time I use Xilinx GUI. | 04:04 |
wallento | like this: | 16:14 |
wallento | like newlib-cygwin | 21:07 |
bandvig | hmm, I'm working under cygwin, I'm afraid I couldn't help you | 14:10 |
bandvig | I'm working under cygwin for compile and run toolchain. And I use TerraTerm (a terminal for Windows). | 13:28 |
olofk | haha. Why on earth did sourceware combine cygwin and newlib to one git repo? | 17:00 |
imphil | olofk, bundling cygwin feels a bit like adobe bundling the ask toolbar with flash player :) | 17:14 |
wallento | newlib has its origin in cygwin if I remember correctly | 17:29 |
imphil | cygwin was the first user of newlib, yes :) | 17:30 |
stekern | why is cygwin downloading the whole internet when I asked it to install make? | 10:25 |
stekern | for the SEARCH_PATH, it has to be c:\\cygwin64\\path\to\\dir | 06:34 |
olofk | Anyway, your cygwin patch looks good. It's one of those quirky hacks that always comes with a larger code base :) | 09:35 |
stekern | olofk: took a 5 second closer look at the cygwin fail, looks like quartus for some reason can't grok set_global_assignment -name SEARCH_PATH | 09:42 |
stekern | I even tried changing that around and running it outside of cygwin, but it still fails... | 09:43 |
stekern | olofk: using the cygwin version of svn worked better | 07:26 |
stekern | olofk: I tried running fusesoc in cygwin today btw | 17:30 |
olofk | Can you run cygwin in wine? :) | 17:31 |
stekern | maybe I'd be better off with the cygwin svn version | 17:43 |
LoneTech | I suspect I copied it from somewhere because it mentions cygwin | 09:39 |
_franck_ | we should also try to compile our toolchain under cygwin | 21:14 |
asm | and I think the jtag bridge works in cygwin | 06:43 |
michaelliu | yes. but i under cygwin occur wrong yet | 12:04 |
Administrator_ | but this under cygwin compiler | 09:15 |
Administrator_ | how to building gdb under cygwin? | 03:51 |
Administrator_ | I'm compiled the or1ksim success under cygwin. | 03:53 |
stekern | Administrator_: I think _franck_ made some efforts building gdb under cygwin, but I'm not sure if he ever succeeded | 05:18 |
jonibo | i think you'll need to build under cygwin | 12:37 |
jonibo | I saw michaelliu was doing cygwin builds... perhaps he can help you out | 12:38 |
jonibo | I think you really need to use cygwin... I don't think mingw will cut it for building this toolchain | 12:44 |
Administrator_ | use orbuild under cygwin also failed, "makefile:1162: recipe for target 'gdb.exe' failed" | 13:50 |
michaelliu | hi , why the cygwin compile slow than the mingw32(TDM32) | 14:39 |
michaelliu | but, cygwin can compile or1ksim, mingw32 can't | 14:40 |
pgavin | have you tried cygwin? | 15:37 |
nollan | hi, I'm trying to build the toolchain in cygwin, but it fails on uClibc: | 01:56 |
derRichard | nollan: the howto is not for cygwin | 02:03 |
nollan | derRichard: I understand that. I'm not a experienced user of Cygwin, nor Windows, but I need it to work on Windows. Maybe I am trying to do the impossible :) | 02:07 |
Franck_ | use cygwin ? | 23:47 |
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